
onsdag 24 november 2010

Om döden utan överdrift av Szymborska

Om döden utan överdrift
Han kan inget om vitsar,
om stjärnor, om broar,
om bergsbruk, om lantbruk, om väveri,
om skeppsbyggeri eller kakbakning.

När vi planerar för morgondagen
skjuter han alltid in sista ordet
vid sidan om ämnet.

Han kan inte ens det
som är direkt förknippat med hans fack:
inte gräva graven,
inte snickra kistan,
inte städa efter sig.

Han sysslar med att döda
men gör det nog så fumligt,
utan system och rutin.
Som höll han på att öva sig på var och en av oss.

Visst firar han triumfer,
men så många fiaskon
och missade slag
och försök som måste göras om!

Han orkar inte ibland
ens slå ner en fluga ur luften.
Mot alltför mången larv
förlorar han i krypningstävlan.

Alla dessa rotknölar, fröhus,
fenor, gälar, känselspröt,
praktfjädrar och vinterpälsar
vittnar om att han ligger
efter i tröttsamma jobbet.

Hans ondska förslår inte.
Och inte ens vår hjälp i krig och kupper
har hittills varit nog.

Hjärtana bultar i äggen.
Skeletten i spädbarnen växer.
Frönas trägna slit ger de första två bladen
och ofta även höga träd vid horisonten.

Den som hävdar att han är allsmäktig
är själv ett levande bevis
på att allsmäktig är han inte.

Det liv finns inte
som inte om så för en stund
åtnjuter odödlighet.

Döden kommer alltid med denna stunds försening.

Förgäves rycker han i handtaget
på den osynliga dörren.
Vad man har hunnit med,
det kan han inte ta tillbaka.

Utopia av Szymborska

En ö där allting bara klarnar.

Här kan man stå på bevisens grund.

Den enda väg här finns är den framkomliga vägen.

Buskarna bara dignar under alla svaren.

Här växer Riktiga Förmodans träd
med sina sedan gammalt utredda grenar.

Det storstilat raka Förståelsens träd
vid källan som heter Å På Så Vis.

Ju längre in i snåren, ju bredare öppnar sig
Självklarhetens dal.

Finns det något tvivel, så skingras det av vinden.

Ekot tar till orda utan anrop,
förklarar så gärna världarnas hemligheter.

Till höger en grotta; där ligger själva meningen.

Till vänster Djupaste Övertygelsens sjö.
Sanningen lättar från botten och flyter upp i dagen.

Dalen behärskas av Bergfasta Förvissningen.
På spetsen sitter Springande Punkten.

Ön är trots sin tjusning öde,
och på stranden syns små märken av fötter,
samtliga vända i riktning mot havet.

Som om man bara begett sig härifrån
och utan återvändo sänkt sig i djupet.

I ett liv man inte begriper.


Do you know this Symborska poem?

My apologies to chance for calling it necessity
My apologies to necessity if I'm mistaken, after all.
Please don't be angry happiness, that I take you as my due.
May the dead be patient with the way the memories fade.
My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second,
My apologies to past loves for thinking that the latest is the first.
Forgive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger.
I apologise for my record of minuets to those who cry from the depths.
I apologise to those who wait in railway stations for being asleep today at 5
Pardon me, humbled hope, for laughing from time to time.
Pardon me, deserts, that I don't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water.
And you falcon, unchanging year after year, always in the same cage, your
gaze always fixed on the same point in space,
forgive me, even if it turns out that you were stuffed.
My apologies to the felled tree for the tables four legs.
My apologies to the great questions for the small answers.
Truth, please do not pay me such attention.
Dignity, please be magnanimous.
Bear with me, O mystery of existence, as I pluck the occaisional thread from
your train.
Soul, don't take offence that I've only got you now and then.
My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere at once.
My apologies to everyone that I can't be each woman and each man.
I know I won't be justified as long as I live,
Since I myself stand in my own way.
Don't bear me ill will speech, that I borrow weighty words
then labour so heavily that they may seem light.

with love to you as ever

fredag 12 november 2010

Idag är jag på jakt!!!!

October 25, 2010

A Study of Safety/Efficacy of Bone-Marrow Derived Adult Stem Cells in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A Phase I, single center, prospective, non-randomized, open label, safety/efficacy study of the infusion of expanded autologous (from the same person) bone-marrow derived mesenchymal (adult) stem cells. A bone marrow aspiration from the hip is performed. The adult stem cells are separated from the bone marrow and expanded in an incubator for approximately three weeks. The cells are suspended in fluid and injected using a lumbar puncture (similar to a spinal tap). The patients will be followed at routine intervals for one year.

Subject Size: Six subjects are required

Status: Currently Recruiting

Primary Outcome: Safety with no complications or new neurological deficits

Secondary Outcomes: Slowing of decline as rated by vital capacity (ability to breathe) and function

Inclusion Criteria:

Males and females 18 years or older
Moderate to severe diagnosis of ALS
Vital capacity at least 50%
ALS Diagnosis greater than six months and less than 36 months
Exclusion Criteria:

Illness or medications that affect bone marrow
Riluzole within 4 weeks of study entry or during the study
Bleeding disorders
Current smoker
Contact Information:

Erica Morel RN or Vicki Nicely
(985) 867-4860

Atlanta eller Kina?

Medical Report and Video Interviews about the Treatment of ALS by Chinese Medicine in Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital from Dr. Zhu Ming

(Revised on July 22, 2010)

Hello, dear friend,

This is Dr. Zhu Ming, President of Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital , and the director of ALS Expert Team of this hospital. Our international department of traditional Chinese medicine focuses upon treating various chronic and difficult health problems. Even though our international service has only been in existence for six years, we had offered inpatient service to more than two hundred international patients from around the world. There is an obvious phenomenon that about one four of them suffer from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). This condition is included in the list of the World Top Six Most Difficult health problems. Western medicine has almost given up on treating such a difficult disease except for offering Rilutek tablet or operation of stem cell transplantation which are of no help to the root of the disease.

From the viewpoint of western medicine, the causes of ALS are unknown and might be infection, injury, immune factors, working environment, emotional problems, etc. The symptoms of ALS include loss and atrophy of muscles, weakness of the four limbs and body, muscle jumping (fasciculation), pains of the muscles or joints, stiff or flaccid legs, swallowing difficulty, tongue shrinking and inability to talk, much saliva in the mouth, difficulty of breathing, etc. The patient may lose the muscles and strength of the four limbs and body step by step. In common condition, during 3 to 5 years after that happens, gradually the patient can not walk, can not handle daily life, gets on the wheelchair and then dies of failure of the respiratory function or other severe weakness of the organs. What is worse that we have seen some cases that the patient survives only six months after the diagnosis is given.

Our international TCM service team now has approximately sixty working staff, including medical professors, doctors, acupuncturists, translators, nurses, guards, office clerks, etc.

Frankly speaking, since our international service started from the end of 2005, in the first year, we had about ten ALS patients, most of them did not get improvement. However, our medical staff gathered precious experiences from the first year’s practice. We diligently work together to research into this most difficult health problem. Our team of ALS experts started to design a comprehensive treatment system for this problem in October, 2006, and we enrich and perfect this system incessantly during these three years. Our ALS team of experts and I came to the consent that from the viewpoints of Chinese medicine, ALS belongs to the categories of “dystrophy pattern (wei zheng), impediment pattern (bi zheng), or deficiency labor (xu lao) ” in Chinese medicine, there are following reasons to cause it, for example, attacking of external wind-cold-damp or wind-damp-heat, yin (fluids) deficiency and effulgent deficient fire, deficiency of the liver and kidneys, qi weakness of the spleen and lungs, lung heat to damage fluids, etc. Our team of experts also confirms that overworking, over-thinking, depression, too much sex, improper diet, vaccination, chemical toxin, etc., could cause this disease.

Therefore, based upon different individuals with different symptoms, corresponding treatment strategies are adopted, such as expelling external wind-cold-damp or wind-damp-heat, clearing damp heat, moistening yin fluids, lowering deficient fire, nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening qi of the spleen and lungs, fortifying spleen to transform phlegm, softening hardness to dissipate masses, eliminating wind to calm spasms, etc. The major treatment methods are drinking Chinese herbal tea, medical massage and acupuncture.

Even though these three treatment methods are different, the therapeutic strategy remains the same to make sure best cooperative role. Also it is important that since every ALS patient has different illness reasons, different features of cold, heat, deficiency and excess, different symptoms, therefore, for every patient, we will give different treatment strategies and different herbal prescriptions and acupuncture formulas so that the treatment is the most accurate and helpful. So, there are multiple treatment strategies and multiple herbs and acu-points to fit every patient, rather than a single chemical ingredient like Rilutek or half hour operation like stem cell transplantation to try to resolve such a big complex of various symptoms. This treatment way is called “syndrome identification and treatment determination” which is proved to be very scientific and efficient during thousands of years practice of TCM. When a patient stays here, we often adjust the formula every three or four days according to the response and progress of the patient.

From October 2006 to April 2007, our clinical statistics reveals that we had 14 patients from USA, Canada, Israel, Sweden, Algeria, Czech, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Yugoslavia, Portugal and China. Their ages range from 30 to 65 years old, their treatment periods range from one month to four months. The results indicated that 6 patients had very obvious improvement, 5 patients had some improvement, and 3 patients had no improvement.

With our treatment experiences for ALS became more and more mature and comprehensive. From April 2007 to December 2008, among 36 international ALS patients, 21 patients had very obvious improvement, 10 patients had some improvement, and only 5 patients had no improvement.

For example, Cidalia, a 61-year-old lady from Portugal who was diagnosed with ALS in October 2006, came to our hospital on March 2, 2007. She had more than 50 days of comprehensive treatment here. When she arrived, her grasping power of the left hand was 2.9 kilograms. She could not raise her left arm. She could only walk 500 meters with crippling gait of the left leg, some problems with swallowing and speaking ability. After more than 50 days treatment, her grasping power of the left hand increased to 11.6 kilograms. She could raise her left arm. She could walk 5 kilometers. The walking gait became almost normal and the crippling disappeared. The difficulty in swallowing and speaking is gone. This is an email from the daughter of Cidalia and the video interview (1) with her daughter CiCi, please check here.

Felix, a 27-year-old male whose nationality is America, suffers from ALS. When he just came to hospital on October 14, 2007, the muscles of the whole body were stiff. Weakness of four limbs lasted for two years, especially the left lower limb. It was difficult for him to speak. After receiving TCM treatment for more than two months, the hands and feet are more flexible. Four limbs have more power, so they work better than before. He can do the action of crouching now. His speech is clearer than before. This is the video interview, please check here.

Peter, from Holland, suffering from ALS, stayed in our hospital for five months till April, 2008. His voice and swallowing ability are improved a lot. The ability of the legs and arms is stabilized. He was quite satisfied with our treatment result. This is the video interview, please check here.

Based upon our experience, we have some ideas to share with you regarding the treatment of ALS.

A. For the treatment of ALS, the earlier the treatment is done, the better the treatment result will be. That means we could offer good treatment result for the early and middle stage ALS patients, while for the late stage ALS patients, the treatment result is always not good.

B. The TCM historical records and our treatment experience confirm our ideas that the normal full treatment course for ALS should be 6 months to 12 months, since in many ancient TCM books, there are quite a lot ALS-similar case reports with full recovery after six months to twelve months treatment. The full treatment period will guarantee a much better even full recovery.

C. For the better recovery, we recommend you stay at our hospital for at least two to three months after the evaluation of our expert team about your case before your coming, while three to six months is a better choice if your financial ability and time schedule allow, (even though there were some patients who stayed here for only one month or so, after they got some improvement and then took home a few months of herbal tea to continue the treatment because of finance or time schedule limitation.)

D. The most encouraging fact is that during the first month of 2009, we are really surprised to see most ALS patients made fast and unexpected improvement here. Therefore, here we are very serious to advice that for the early and middle stage ALS patients, please come to our hospital right now, we will give you a very satisfactory treatment result here.

E. Another point of notice of coming here for hospitalization is the visa issue. Commonly, before you come, we will email you a scanned invitation letter so you can try to get a three month or six month visa. Please apply for an L type visa, this is the only type of visa that we can help you extend. If you get only a one month visa, or F type visa, or multiple entrance one month visa, all these kinds of visas will not guarantee visa extension here, so there will be many problems for your treatment. Therefore, we strongly suggest you get a three months or six months L type visa in the Chinese embassy from your country before you come.

Generally speaking, to tackle such a difficult health problem in the world, joint efforts between you and our faithful working staff are needed. It is our special honor that we are pushed forward to become the most reliable and confident medical team to fight against ALS in the current world for the early and middle stage ALS patients. We are proud of great TCM from the bottom of our hearts when we see patients recovered day by day! It is our responsibility to do a better job for the health recovery of ALS patients throughout the world. Thank you for taking the time to read my ALS report and thanks for your trust and cooperation.

Best wishes!

Dr. Zhu Ming

President of Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital

Revised on July 22, 2010.

From: Rhoda Sarah Mckinniey 1173 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg; Manitoba; Canada, R3MOX5.

September 1, 2009

My doctor’s hands are the eyes of God.

My daughter Sarah and I ran away from Canada.

I knew I had ALS.

The only treatment I was offered was with the highly toxic Lithium, I thought the best thing I could was leave insurance $ to them. I had no hope, no spirit, and no smile. My daughters were desperate. I had given up.

I was angry when I arrived. I wanted to leave the next day - I wanted to die in peace. But miracles can happen overnight. Dr. Ming talked to me about the value of my life, the professor told me to smile! My doctor eased my tortured body, and the herbalist made my medicine. After one treatment I could smile! My mouth had been frozen for four months, and instead of crying all the time, I started to laugh.

How wonderful it feels to feel my mouth turn up and my belly jiggle.

HuaiHua is an oasis of hope and love, a little island of joy where: we few, we happy few, we band of seekers are on a pilgrimage of hope. The mythic country of China has delighted and surprised us. The indomitable spirit of the beautiful people of China has welcomed us with open arms.

Their dignity, their beautiful country, their smiling and cherished children are medicines for the spirit.

Thank you Dr. Ming for your vision. Thank you to your entire delightful crew. It has been an honor to be here.

By saving T. C. M. you are keeping one of our planet’s treasuries alive.
Check the original handwriting here

Letters to Friends, To Dr. Ming; Personal Observations and Comments From an American Point of View


Något för mig?

Message Regarding Stem Cell Trial: Updated 05 October 2010

We have begun the phase I trial of spinal cord derived stem cells for patients with ALS. We have now completed six patient surgeries and we can report that all are doing well as of this date. Three patients received injections into one side of their spinal cord, and three patients received injections into both sides. Group A is now complete.

We began this trial with those who had severe disability and thus were at a lower risk for added weakness that may occur as a consequence of stem cell injection into the spinal cord. We are now moving forward with patients with less disability. As we move forward, the eligibility criteria will change for future groups. This information will be posted on this website as the trial progresses.

Those interested in the trial should understand that this is purely a "safety trial" (phase I in medical terminology) to see if injection of cells into the spinal cord is safe in people with ALS. Thank you for your interest and your support in moving this important trial forward.

We are now recruiting for Group B (3 patients) and Group C (3 patients). Patients participating in these groups will have difficulty walking, but be able to walk without the assistance of another person and have good breathing function. The selection criteria for participants for group B and C are listed below.

Please understand this is only a partial list of the eligibility criteria. If you do not meet the following criteria, you will not be considered for enrollment. Due to the complexity of this study, priority will be given to current patients of the Emory ALS Center. Only people who live close to Atlanta will be considered.

Group B and C (up to 6 patients)
Eligibility Criteria:

1) Confirmed diagnosis of ALS by a neurologist

2) Vital capacity greater than 60% of predicted value seated; greater than 50% measured flat on your back

3) Difficulty walking due to ALS

4) Lack of complicating medical conditions

5) Live in geographic proximity to Emory University Hospital

6) Ability to communicate vocally or with low-tech tools (writing or letter board)

The consent form for Group B can be downloaded here: Stem Cell Consent Form
I have read the consent form and I meet the criteria for Group B. I would like to be considered as a participant. Please click here: Eligibility Form


About our Center

The EMORY ALS Center is designed and dedicated to providing comprehensive care for people and families with ALS and related motor neuron diseases. Emory is recognized nationally as an ALS referral center by both the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and the ALS Association. Since its initiation in 1997, the Emory ALS Center has grown to be one of the premier centers for ALS care in the United States. In addition, Emory has been selected by the MDA as one of five national centers as part of a Clinical Research Network to speed and support ALS research.

Our ALS Center Team includes physicians, nurses and other healthcare specialists who approach ALS as a challenge that requires physical, social, and emotional care of the patient and the family. Our Team includes professionals in respiratory care, swallowing and communication, nutrition, and physical and occupational therapy. Other team members are a clinical social worker, specialists in wheelchairs and orthotics, and a representative from Hospice. In addition, we have major collaborative affiliations with both the MDA and the ALS Association of Georgia, whose organizations provide important and unique resources and services for patients and their families. No less important are our scientists and students who are working in Emory's laboratories and in the clinic on questions focusing on the causes of and potential treatments for ALS. We believe that Emory's team approach to ALS is a model that provides the best in comprehensive care for patients and families in an environment that values research as the best path for fostering hope for an ALS-free future.

ALS forskning om stamceller

Emory Conducting Landmark Study to Treat ALS

Jennifer Johnson: 404-727-5696 Office, 404-227-3683 Mobile
Patient Info: 404-778-7777 or 1-800-75-EMORY
Dr. Jonathan Glass, professor of neurology, Emory School of Medicine, and director of the Emory ALS Center and principal investigator of the clinical trial site.
Emory University researchers are participating in a groundbreaking clinical trial to treat patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) using human neural stem cells.

The Phase 1 trial, approved in 2009 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is studying the safety of stem cells, and the surgical procedures and devices required, for multiple injections of the cells directly into the spinal cord.

“This is the first U.S. clinical trial of stem cell injections into the spinal cord for the treatment of ALS," says Jonathan Glass, MD, professor of neurology, Emory School of Medicine, and director of the Emory ALS Center and principal investigator (PI) of the clinical trial site.

“Our main goal in this early phase is to determine whether it is safe to inject stem cells into the spinal cord and whether the cells themselves are safe," says Glass.

Since the trial began in January, three patients with ALS have received injections. Up to 12 individuals will be enrolled in the first phase of the trial.

Nicholas Boulis, MD, assistant professor of neurosurgery at Emory School of Medicine, and a pioneer in developing surgical methods for delivery of therapeutics to the spinal cord, is performing the surgical procedures. Eva Feldman, MD, PhD, director of research at the University of Michigan Health System ALS Clinic, is the overall PI of the ALS clinical trials program.

“I am confident this study is taking therapies for the spinal cord to a new level,” says Boulis. “Depending on the success of this initial trial, there will be a follow-up phase II trial or a modified phase I trial that utilizes the techniques of surgical implementation.”

Video interview with Dr. Jonathan Glass
Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with no known cure. It causes the deterioration of specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord called motor neurons, which control muscle movement. As the illness progresses, patients lose their ability to walk, talk and breathe. According to the ALS Association, approximately 30,000 Americans have ALS at any given time and patients with the disease usually die within two to five years of diagnosis.

The stem cells used in the study, developed by the Maryland-based biotech company, Neuralstem, Inc., were prepared from cultured neural stem cells and may have the ability to mature into various types of cells in the nervous system. This includes motor neurons, the ones that are specifically lost in ALS.

Scientists say these stem cells will not generate new motor neurons, but may help protect the still-functioning motor neurons and slow the progression of the disease.

“We will closely follow these patients and will be eager to see results,” says Glass. “We are hopeful this is the first step toward a new way of treating the people who face this devastating disease.”

Watch an interview with Glass on YouTube.

Patient Information

For more patient information about the trial, please visit the Emory ALS Center website or call HealthConnection at 404.778.7777 or 1-800-75-EMORY.


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onsdag 10 november 2010


Kära vänner och kollegor

Den 18-19 december på Teater Tribunalen i Stockholm, kommer skådespelerskan Maria Eggers att anordna ett evenemang med performance, debatt och konstförsäljning kring temat hälsa och kultur. Denna aktion kommer att stödja en ung skådespelares kamp mot sjukdomen ALS. Denna sjukdom smyger längre och längre ner i åldrarna samt antalet ökar och trots att forskning pågår finns ännu inget botemedel.

Jag, Regina, är ansvarig för insamling av konstverk och vänder mig till er konstnärer som kan tänkas vilja vara med i denna solidariska kampanj och skänka ett konstverk.

Konstverken kommer att säljas med utgångspunkt i tre prislägen, 500, 1000 och 2000 Skr. Jag ber er att avgöra i vilken kategori ert konstverk skall befinna sig i så att jag kan garanter att verket inte blir sålt för mindre än vad ni önskar.


1. Namn, konstnären+ signatur, Titel, Ar, Format, Teknik på baksidan av konstverket.

Via email sänd till:

2. Ett world dokument/pdf

Namn Konstnärens……





3. Visuellt: bild på konstverket format 200dpi, komprimerat format: jpeg, (inget pdf !!)

max 12 cm H eller L, beroende på om konstverket är vertikal eller horisontell.

4. Konstverken avlämnas:

Lördagen 27/ november. Kl. 13-16.h

Söndagen 28/november. Kl. 11-13.30h

På Teater Tribunalen, Hornsgatan 92, T-bana Zinkensdamm.

Vi, Maria Eggers Regina Virserius, tackar er alla på förhand. Vidare information kommer att följa och även inbjudan till detta evenemang,

Med Vänliga hälsningar

Maria Eggers & Regina Virserius

Regina Virserius
22, bis rue Deparcieux
75014 Paris
Phone: 0033 1 43 20 76 73
Mobile: 0033 6 73 87 63 38